My approach is skill- and heart- centred (yes, you can have both), restoring joy to life and learning. I work holistically to understand young people, bringing their strengths fully into the light whilst sensitively addressing barriers to success and happiness.


I am always focused on understanding the lens through which the young person experiences the world around them and taking a holistic view of their experience both at home and school.


Whilst I am an independent practitioner I regularly work as part of a multidisciplinary team (MDT) which includes leading clinical psychologists, paediatricians, psychiatrists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists (amongst others). Depending on what is required, I can tailor the professional team to work around the young person and their family and I often co-ordinate the professional input. This MDT approach is invaluable and is often an integral feature of how I work.


Parents located in the UK and overseas are usually referred to me through their school, their doctor, or other specialist, however they can directly self-refer. Please note that I only take on a very small number of families at a time in order to provide the level of care and attention needed.


What sets me apart is not simply my expertise and experience or my extensive specialist network, but the level of support that I provide to young people, parents and educators. It is important to build real relationships, offering specialist advice and considered action, but also immense compassion and care.

IMAGE CREDIT: Artwork by Ria Mishaal